Ciropèdia vol. IV. Xenofont Fundació Bernat Metge

Technical Data Sheet
No. of pages: 220
Publisher: ALPHA
Language: CATALAN
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9788498593709
Year of publication: 2021
Pub. place: BARCELONA
Release date: 21/05/2021
Height: 22 cm
Width: 14 cm


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SKU: Ocio-libro-Ciropedia-Jenofonte-FundacióBernatMetge Categories: ,

The Cyropedia is an extensive work that explains the life, and especially the education, of Cyrus and the Great, king of Persia. In writing it, rather than a historical work in the strict sense, Xenophon intended to offer a pedagogical model, intended above all for those who aspired to rule. The text thus revolves around the techniques of military and political leadership that made Cyrus a respected and effective monarch, from the best strategies for demoralising the enemy to how to treat subordinates in order to make them feel useful. Moreover, the narrative quality of the whole makes this work one of the oldest precedents of the novel genre. Books VII and VIII, in particular, recount the events that led to Ciros becoming Great King and ruling a vast empire, but also how, after his death, the empire he had built was lost through the neglect of his descendants. The volume presents the last two books of the work, edited and translated into Catalan by Núria Albafull, with introductory notes and an index of the names of characters, towns and places.

Additional information

Weight 0.62 kg
Dimensions 14.5 × 22 cm

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